On Tue, Jul 04, 2000 at 06:21:11PM +0200, Ramon Diaz-Uriarte wrote:
> Dear Rachel,
> I've had a similar problem. What I have done is force lyx (latex) to use Type I
> fonts. To do this, I have in the preamble:
> \usepackage{ae}
> \usepackage{aecompl}
> and prevent Lyx from using the default encoiding "T1" by changing the
> lyxrc file in ~/.lyx, as follows:
> #\font_encoding "T1" <- this line is commented
> \font_encoding default <- this I have added
You only need to use one of the above (i.e., the 'ae' package is only needed
when you use the T1 font encoding).
It should also be mentioned that if you use ps2pdf to create the pdf, you
need to use ghostscript version >= 6.0, and put the following in ~/.dvipsrc
p+ psfonts.cmz
p+ psfonts.amz
PS: Shouldn't this be in the FAQ?