Paul Borgermans wrote:
> Rachel,
> I had the same problem. There are two ways that work for me by changing
> settings in LyX (versions 1.1.4x, 1.1.5, 1.1.6cvs, probably earlier
> versions too):
> ------------------------------------
> 1) put
> \usepackage{pslatex}
> in the latex preamble (see Layout-> LaTeX preamble)

Thanks, that works brilliantly.

> or
> 2)
> select "psfonts" in Layout -> Document | fonts

No "psfonts" option there on mine (Lyx 1.1.4fix1 as supplied with SuSE 6.4);
someone else suggested putting Times there and that worked, but not if I
start using fonts other than Times, so the \usepackage{pslatex} option seems
the better one generally.

I'm not a mathematician so the problems with math formatting aren't
important to me. :-)


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