Aleksandr Konstantinov wrote:
> > \sum \int \oint \prod \coprod
> >
> > the following are in bigsize too: e.g. \bigoplus
> > \cap \cup \sqcup \vee \wedge \odot \otimes \oplus \uplus
> >
> > for \sum and \prod there is a \nolimits, if you prefere
> > the limits as super/supscript.
> >
> Sorry, I wasn't clear . I mean, how can I put limits above/below
> any arbitrary symbol ? Something like this:
> 12
> my_operator
> i=0
ctrl-m for the lyx math box
now insert a matrix with one column and 3 lines and
type in your symbol with above and down limits.
behind the math-box: \renewcommand\arraystretch{1.0}