Aleksandr Konstantinov wrote:
> > as an alternative you might want to use LyX's internal math-limits
> > command, which is bound to "M-m l" for my installation. Just put the
> > cursor in front of the integral sign, press Meta-m l and see the limits
> > swap their position...
> I feel stupid, I just found this in User Guide - I must RTFM.
> But I still 1 question, How to make any symbol of my choice to
> behave in that way ?
\sum \int \oint \prod \coprod
the following are in bigsize too: e.g. \bigoplus
\cap \cup \sqcup \vee \wedge \odot \otimes \oplus \uplus
for \sum and \prod there is a \nolimits, if you prefere
the limits as super/supscript.