
If I write a formula in Lyx like:

   \begin_inset Formula 
   \renewcommand {\arraystretch }{1.6}\begin{array}{l}
   \displaystyle x^{'}=(x-x_{Q})\frac{z_{Q}}{z}+x_{Q}\\
   \displaystyle y^{'}=(y-y_{Q})\frac{z_{Q}}{z}+y_{Q}\\
   \end{array},\, \, \, 0\leq z<z_{Q},\renewcommand {\arraystretch


I use \displaystyle in every row of the array with a fraction to have
the same font size for the fraction. It works for the first time. But if
I save the file and read it in again, the second \displaystyle will be
misst. Any help? 

I'm using Lyx 1.0.4 and 1.1.4fix3.
Carsten Bellon           BAM Berlin, Lab. VIII.33, D-12200 Berlin
                         Tel:    ++49 - 30 - 8104 3658               
                         FAX:    ++49 - 30 - 8104 1837
                         [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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