See comments below..
"Jean-Pierre.Chretien" wrote:
> >>Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 22:26:01 -0500
> >>From: "Richard D. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>To: LyX-User-List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >>Subject: pod2lyx importer
> >>
> >>I posed this question over on the dev list but got very little response
> >>so I thought I would see what kind of response I could get on the user
> >>list.
> >>
> >>I'm in the process of creating a format converter that will convert pod
> >>( Perl plain old documentation ) to LyX. Actually I just about have a
> >>base package ready that supports most stuff.
> What is exactly the idea compared to pod2html ? Did you try
> pod2html -> html2latex -> relyX ?
> I think it is interesting if it increases the level of segmentation of the
> actual perl doc: I have indexed the html version of the standard Perl doc
> but this is not very efficient beccause the element of info may be quite
> big (think of builtin functions e.g.); of course this is not tru for
> a geat number of small packages or modules.
Well actually I did not try the pod2html -> html2latex -> relyX. I tied
pod2latex -> relyX.
What I didn't like about this solution is that I ended up having to
fixup the converted LyX file by hand. What I really wanted was an
importer that would not require me to do any editing of the imported
file. The Pod::Lyx class I've written does this (true it is still
missing a few features but it works for what I wanted it to do ). What I
have not finished yet is the pod2lyx program itself, but I'm real close
to having it done.
> >>
> The rtf-> anything conversion is generally hopeless (up to my own experience)
> because you generally don't control the level of WYSIWYG used in the
> text processor which created it. Just have a look at any HTML export
> and consider the bunch of <BR> and inside :-)
> (and I just don't mention what happens with formulas)
> The lyx->rtf (and what is behind) can be solved to a reasonable extent
> throuh html export, because lyx->HTML is quite efficient (apart from the math
> problem), but this has already been discussed in the list.
Math is going to be a problem with most things just because most formats
don't handle it. What I'm really after on the rtf->LyX converter is to
get the main body of a document and every thing else that can be
handled. But I would like to say that I've not looked into this very
deeply yet but I will because basically I would find it useful.
Now onto the LyX->rtf. I would prefer to do this directly verses going
through another translation. Why you ask. Because every time you go
through more than one translation from the original you loose something
even if you just loose something minor you still loose it. I would like
to reduce the loss as much as possible. But then again I may or may not
write this beast because if I want to share something with someone I can
always just send it to them in plain old ASCII :)