>>Date: Tue, 02 May 2000 22:26:01 -0500
>>From: "Richard D. Jackson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>To: LyX-User-List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>Subject: pod2lyx importer
>>I posed this question over on the dev list but got very little response
>>so I thought I would see what kind of response I could get on the user
>>I'm in the process of creating a format converter that will convert pod
>>( Perl plain old documentation ) to LyX. Actually I just about have a
>>base package ready that supports most stuff.
What is exactly the idea compared to pod2html ? Did you try
pod2html -> html2latex -> relyX ?
I think it is interesting if it increases the level of segmentation of the
actual perl doc: I have indexed the html version of the standard Perl doc
but this is not very efficient beccause the element of info may be quite
big (think of builtin functions e.g.); of course this is not tru for
a geat number of small packages or modules.
>>The question I posed was whether anyone besides myself would use it or
>>would find it useful.
>>So how about it would any of you find this type of tool useful?
>>I ask this because I want to know if I should spend the time to polish
>>it up a bit. If I'm the only person that finds this useful then there is
>>really no need for me to spend the time to document and clean the code
>>up. But if others find it useful then I will need to do that.
>>Also on a side note I'm also considering doing these things as well:
>>1) A lyx2pod format converter - actually this one will be more work but
>>I will find it useful.
>>2) rtf2lyx ( rich text format to LyX ) format converter. And maybe the
>>other way around as well.
The rtf-> anything conversion is generally hopeless (up to my own experience)
because you generally don't control the level of WYSIWYG used in the
text processor which created it. Just have a look at any HTML export
and consider the bunch of <BR> and inside :-)
(and I just don't mention what happens with formulas)
The lyx->rtf (and what is behind) can be solved to a reasonable extent
throuh html export, because lyx->HTML is quite efficient (apart from the math
problem), but this has already been discussed in the list.
>>Again if you think any of these would be useful let me know.