On 12 Apr 2000, Lars Gullik Bjønnes wrote:
> ------- Start of forwarded message -------
> Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2000 02:48:47 +0200
> Message-Id: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Feedback from www.lyx.org
> Brad Behm ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) entered the
> following feedback message on the LyX home page:
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> It sure would be nice if Lyx supported subtitles and sub-authors.
> The worst part is that having two or more author paragraphs deletes all but one from
>the final draft (with no warning).
> Much of what I use Lyx for is school assignments, which often require subtitles,
>class designations, TA labels, etc.
> Just a thought...
> ------- End of forwarded message -------
I'm not quite sure whether this will solve your problem, but: Did you ever
try to use a CTRL-RETURN in an author paragraph to enter more than one
auther? CTRL-RETURN does not cause a new paragraph but something like a
Same thing with titles: After the main title you enter a CTRL-RETURN
and type the sub-title. Additionaly you can mark the subtitle-text and
give it a smaller font-size (via Layout -> Character...)
Hope this helps a bit
Stephan E. Schlierf M.A.
- Product Management -
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