
I am not sure I have understood what you mean exactly, but I got th
same kind of problem yesterday.

(I wanted to insert a standard paragraph in an enumerated list)

Here is the solution I found :

        1. fisrt part of my enumerated list
        2. fisrt part of my enumerated list
        3. fisrt part of my enumerated list

A small (or a long) paragraph inserted here.

\item my first point \newline blah blah blah
\item my second point
\item my last point \newline blah blah

And that's it

Idealy, you should only insert the addtocounter line, but
unfortunatly, it seems to be impossible to do that in lyx, because
there no way (I found no way) to insert it between the begin and the
first item

I've add some \newline just for fun, and because it might be helpfull;
sometimes you want to start a new line in the same item.

Hope it'll help

Raphaël Gurlie
email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]         Laboratoire de Biochimie Théorique
tel. +33 (0)1 58 415 164        13, rue Pierre et Marie Curie
fax. +33 (0)1 58 415 026        75005 Paris - FRANCE

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