On Wed, 16 Feb 2000, Wolfgang Riedel wrote:

> Hi,
> I tried to create my own lyx templates for special kind of letters. For
> the first example it works very well, I'd only to modify an existing
> letter template. But in the second case, I need a little bit another
> syntax for the created latex file.
> In detail: there is an local latex documentclass ubrief.cls. This works
> with following input:
>       ...
>       \begin{document}
>       \begin{brief}{adress}
>       ...
>       \end{brief}
>       \end{document}
> My question is now, how can I describe in the lyx template (and layout),
> that my latex environment "brief" needs an additional parameter?
> Has anybody an example for such a definition?
> Thank you for any help!
> Wolfgang

I had the same kind of problems while creating a layout for "lettre.cls"
class from ???? (sorry, don't know anymore).
I never sent this layout because I never got time enough to clean it (but
I use it, actually, it works). The principle are :
        - do not declare your environements as latex environments but as
new latex commands.
        - add a EndOfFile/EndOfBlock command to close the environment when

I use the same kind of trick to get rid of imposed order of
environment/commands you can find in classes like ... lettre.cls, etc.

Example ( simplified, out of context, from my lettre.layout file;
interpret with care!). Some comments added by hand just for this mail. The
actual commands are much more complicated because of closing, signature
and so on, I hope that I didn't forgot crucial details
#% Do not delete the line below; configure depends on this
#  \DeclareLaTeXClass{lettre (Francais)}
# French Letter textclass definition file.
# Author : Alain Castera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
# Modifies only some things from letter.layout
# to use the lettre.cls class from ????

# Input general definitions
Input letter.layout

# (Re)define some stuff
%% to indicate that we started a lettre environment
%% used to close "lettre" environment when needed

%% in lettre, the argument of environment lettre is the address
Style Destinataire
  Margin        Right_Address_Box
  LatexType     Command
  LatexName     lettre
    { \findemessage  %% you can have multiple "lettres" inthe same file

#As a temporary(?) trick
Style FinDeFichier
  KeepEmpty     1
  LatexType     Command
  LatexName     findemessage
  LabelType     Static
  LabelString       Fin_du_fichier.
  LeftMargin        Fin_du_fichier.
  # label font definition
    Series      Bold
    Shape       Italic
    Latex       Latex


Hope this helps
 *        Alain Castera                                            *
 * LPNHE - Tour 33 RdC           | e-mail : [EMAIL PROTECTED]*
 * 4 Place Jussieu               | Telephone :     (+33) 144274187 *
 * 75252 Paris Cedex 05          | Fax :           (+33) 144274638 *
 * France                        |                                 *

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