> My problem is that I can see  text under "view PostScript" but cannot
> see it when in lyx (running 1.1.4 on
> Mandrake Linux).

What do you mean? Do you just see a blank screen?

No, there is a repeat of a footnote along with some main body text when the file is viewed under the PostScript.  If I remember correctly, I had entered a footnote in the middle of a sentance and then later copied the text, deleated the footnote and entered a footnote at the end of the sentence, and then pasted the text from the former footnote. (if you are confused... so am I :-(
Can you send the lyx file? Did you do something strange with the
font or canvas colors or anything like that?
Have already sent the file to you privately.

I have opened the *.lyx file in a text editor and tried to find any place that I repeated text or command, to no avail.  (probably because it is the first time I have looked at a raw lyx file and don't know what I'm looking at) Is this the way to find and correct errors or just a good way to mess things up more?

Thank you.

(Hey everyone, sorry about all the typo's in my original post)

Mitakuye Oyasin

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