Sorry but I came late to a thread about using images under lyx. I read
this on the web and I'm new here.
I tried to convert for my first time a jpeg image to a ps image issuing
the following commands:
        $ convert photo1.jpg
        $ convert -antialias photo1.jpg
        $ convert photo1.jpg
and also specifying other "eps" formats like:
        $ convert photo1.jpg
and so on with several options like "-depth 16" or "-density 300x300" or
"-colorspace RGB"...
But I read in some msg. that "converting image/* > .jpg > ps" shouldn't
result in loss of quality.
The same thing happens to me using The Gimp.
In a strange manner, if the NEW eps image is viewed with "display" it looks great, but gv shows a very different image with
remarkably LESS quality.
Maybe I'm confused and different "EPS" formats have different
extensions, other than ".ps"?
Can anyone be so kind to issue the _EXACT_ command to convert any
"conventional(?)" image format like .bmp .jpg .gif .bmp or .tif if there
is any?
José Albores - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Linux 2.2.5-15 i586 running

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