Andre Poenitz wrote:
> > Do not try to cheat ourselves! LyX's support and also LaTeX's to GIF, JPEG,
> > PNG, etc is very poor.
> That's unfortunately true...
> However, the recommended method of converting image/* -> .jpg -> .eps
> does work without any visible loss. Most of it is handicraft or simple
> scripting outside LyX, but it is possible.
> Andre'
> --
> André Pönitz ......................... [EMAIL PROTECTED]
That is a good news! Could you suggest me some sources of information
how to do
I fought with GIMP for two days and no success: my eps was allwys very
The EPS images were always (much) larger than the original GIF or PNG.
So, can you recomend me a good book, or anything else about the topic?