
I'm interested in using Lyx in my work, and am trying to understand how to
add a facility to draw chemical structures.  XyMTex is one which is available
but I've been unable to insert anything into my trial documents.  (I'm quite
new to Lyx and even newer to Latex, so you're looking at a bumbling amateur!) 
Also, while I'm writing from OS/2, my distribution is under Linux (Debian),
the latest version (unstable).

I copied the *.sty files into the graphics directory under Latex and added
the line   \documentstyle[epic,carom,chemstr] 
to the preamble as laid out in th eXyMTex documentation.  I even tried adding
"{article}" to the end of that line later, generating another error about 2
definitions being used in one document.  The line I added to the body of the
document was a simple example from the XyMTex documentation.  This caused an
error about the line not being "\def'd" which of course I don't understand. 
Reconfiguring Lyx made no difference. 

Should the files have gone into their own directory instead of graphics?

Do I need to create an environment variable for this as suggested in the
documentation (TEXINPUTS) or should I run some configuration utility which
would more properly identify the package?  The maintenance file for teTex is
muddy about this.  

Am I not properly adding refernces in the preamble?  Is the above
documentstyle line no longer appropriate, with the correct change being done
in some other way?  (The XyMTex files are dated '94 and I saw nothing in the
Lyx docs about it on a quick search.)

I'd appreciate any help with this.  I've not yet gotten a book on Latex
(suggestions for a good newbie book are welcome!) but expect that will happen
shortly if it appears this is a good route to take.  

Thanks very much,


ps.  If anyone knows of other packages applicable to this I'd love to hear
about them.  I saw one called ochem, but the documentation is in German.

Dr. Kenward Vaughan                       .'^~;,_
Professor of Chemistry                    ':,'~~~~~
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