>>>>> "Martina" == Martina Schwarz van Doorn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Martina> Did you mean that I can write \caption[short] or
Martina> \caption{short} in the LyX floating figure? I didn't get that
Martina> to work. Could you give me an example?

Have a look at the stupid example appended. Note that it is _really_ a

Martina> \newpage\label{AppFortran:main.f}.\addtocounter{page}{1}

Martina> I'm not so happy about the extra dot that I have to put in to
Martina> get correct references, but it works fine this way.

You can maybe try to add a protected space instead.



#This file was created by <lasgoutt> Thu Nov 18 12:47:14 1999
#LyX 1.0 (C) 1995-1999 Matthias Ettrich and the LyX Team
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\begin_float fig 
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This is my short caption
\latex latex 
\latex default 
And this is the long one, which is 
\emph on 
much much
\emph default 
\latex latex 

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