Hello Jean-Marc,
Thanks for your answer.
JMarc>No, LaTeX code is the only way currently. Note that you can mark
JMarc>\caption and the brackets in LaTeX, and write the rest in normal
Did you mean that I can write \caption[short] or \caption{short} in the
LyX floating figure? I didn't get that to work.
Could you give me an example?
Martina> 2. I want to add my source code in the appendix using the
Martina> colour printing of a2ps, I want to be able to reference to it
Martina> though. Can I use something like
Martina> \setcounter{page}{\page+2}\label{main.f}
Martina> \setcounter{page}{\page+2}\label{init.f}
Martina> to do that ? How can I do it exactly ?
JMarc>You mean you want to reference something which is inside your
JMarc>You could try to split the code in several parts and insert labels
JMarc>between. I'm not sure I understand what you mean, though.
I think you understood quite well what I meant. But I don't want to go
about partitioning my code (with a result that the line numbers won't
This is how I solved my problem:
I'm not so happy about the extra dot that I have to put in to get
correct references, but it works fine this way.