On 17 Nov 1999, Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:
> >>>>> "Francois" == Francois Beaubert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Francois> 1) Does anybody try to use the bullet shapes popup with the
> Francois> language of the document set to frenchb?
> Francois> This work great with the language of the document set to
> Francois> default. Any idea?
> Yes. The definition of the bullet shape should be done using
> \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand\labelitemi[0]{\(\Diamond\)}}
> instead of
> \renewcommand\labelitemi[0]{\(\Diamond\)}
> [In fact, to be LaTeX-friendly, it'd rather be
> \AtBeginDocument{\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{\(\Diamond\)}}
> but I am disgressing].
> It should be quite easy to change, indeed.
So does that mean there isn't any point in trying to support redefining
bullet shapes on a per-paragraph basis instead of the current
document-scope? At least not in French documents anyway or is it all due
to babel?
In the docs for "Itemize Bullet Selection" in Extended I gave examples of
how to do per-paragraph changes including the use of the \renewcommand.
You seem to be saying that this wouldn't work in a non-English language
Allan. (ARRae)