1) Does anybody try to use the bullet shapes popup with the language of
document set to frenchb?
The popup works fine but I could not force latex to use the bullet
shapes I have specified in this popup.
It seem's that the package frenchb override the bullet shapes I have
juste define in the document layout -> Bullet shapes option.
The frenchb package use always it's default bullet shapes (
This work great with the language of the document set to default.
Any idea?
2) Is their a way to have completion of word typed in the document like
M- / in emacs?
3) A suggestion about spelling: I think that a feature like flyspell
module in emacs which
underline miss-spelled word as you type it would be a great think.
o o
| |
| François Beaubert |
| Ecole des Mines de Nantes |
| 4 rue Alfred Kastler BP 20722 44307 Nantes Cedex 3 France |
| Telephone : (0/33) Telecopie : (0/33)|