>> Date: Mon, 12 Jul 1999 16:58:16 +0200 (MET DST)
>> From: Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Subject: Re: styles that are not paragraphs
>> >>>>> "Greg" == Greg Lee <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Greg> But tipa is not a font family, it's a "superfamily", including
>> Greg> Roman, slanted, bold, bold-extended, and sans families. Putting
>> Greg> \usepackage{tipa} has the effect that text inside
>> Greg> \tipaencoding{...} will be ipa Roman, ipa sans, etc., depending
>> Greg> on the context. So, it works just like color.
>> Greg> Perhaps the developers might consider institutionalizing my
>> Greg> hack, so one could customize by substituting superfamilies for
>> Greg> colors.
>> There are talks about defining caracter-level styles in a later
>> version. I do not know when, though...
>> JMarc
Would a mechanism associating a button or a shortcut to a command be OK ?
Works in math mode, which suggest another hack
- define math-macro tipa as \mbox{\tipaencoding{#1}}
- call when needed \tipa in math mode, fill-in the field.
Sole problem: mathed interprets the text as math text (cf a recent private
discussion with Jean-Marc), and M-m m before the #1 above does not seem to work.
What about an implementation of \newcommand as a text macro ?