>>>>> "George" == George De Bruin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
George> I have run into a problem that I am not certain where to turn
George> for help to... Although so far, I can say that I have not
George> been able to find the information that I need to solve the
George> problem. Being only recently acquainted with LyX/KLyX.
George> The problems appear to be multi-fold:
George> - In KLyX the Preview / Print and Fax items on the File menu
George> cannot be selected. - In KLyX if I try to export a file as
George> DVI, I recieve a message about there not being a log file. -
George> However, I can export to a LaTeX file, then create a DVI from
George> a shell prompt.
First thing to try: use the menu option Options->Reconfigure, if such
a thing exist on KLyX, and then restart KLyX.