>>>>> "Philippe" == Philippe Lebrun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Philippe> Hello- I'm writing my first article in LyX, and despite
Philippe> extensively RTFM, I have a few questions:

Philippe> When text is formatted as title, the date is printed
Philippe> underneath. Is there any way of getting rid of this?

This is a `feature' of most LaTeX document classes. To avoid that, use
a Date paragraph with just a protected space, or add 
to Layout->LaTeX Preamble.

Philippe> I hate having text jumping all over the place when I type
Philippe> into the middle of a block-aligned paragraph. I know there
Philippe> is no easy way of changing this, but does anyone know of a
Philippe> way of permanently making left-aligned paragraphs the
Philippe> default, by modifying source code if necessary?

It is not so easy to do in the printed output. If all you want is the
screen output, just make a copy of ...share/lyx/layout/stdclass.inc to
~/.lyx/layout/stdclass.inc and , in the section `Style Standard',
  Align                 Block
  Align                 Left

I am not sure whether it will work as you intend, though.

Philippe> Left aligned paragraphs can't be indented, even when the
Philippe> document style is set to indent. Is this correct?

This is something that has already been mentionned. I'm not sure of
the reason why things are like that...

Philippe> One last remark about something I find highly unpleasant-
Philippe> when I delete a word and am left with the cursor between two
Philippe> spaces, LyX removes the preceding space.  

This is a known problem, which would be unfortunately hard to solve
with the current code.


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