On Thu, 27 May 1999, Juergen Vigna wrote:
> On 26-May-99 Maarten Afman wrote:
> > 
> > I do not want to offend anyone, however; if all of you developers love
> > xforms for its <fill in here> than keep xforms!
> > -- 
> It's not that we are fond of xforms, but at the time it was the only
> good graphics library available and we are used to it right now :)
> But you could join the development team and port LyX to gtk--, qt
> and any other you would like ;)

I have seen the wink, but in all seriousness, if work is to done _please_
can we 'port it in a organized way to avoid another fork in the code base.

It seem to me to be somethng of a disaster when a fork happens.
It would be wonderful to have the functionality of _both_ LyX & KLyX
in one program. The drag and drop of KLyX is so useful, but in almost all
other ways LyX is either just as good or mostly better.

What if any plans are there to have LyX able to use other windowing

Sincerely etc.,

 Christopher Sawtell - Support Engineer - iOpen Technologies Ltd.
 email - chris @ iopen . co . nz ( anti spam - join it up to use ).
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