On 19-Apr-99 Jean-Marc Lasgouttes wrote:

> This error is indeed related to one of LaTeX' weird restrictions, whih
> says that a footnote or margin note cannot be in the text of a
> section, in particular since this text will be copied to the table of
> contents (which is why paragraph* works: it does not appear in TOC)
> and having the note there makes LaTeX feel strange. There is already
> some code in LyX to work around this problem with footnotes, and I was
> not aware that margin notes suffered from this too...
> I'll try to have a look at it but don't hold your breath: this is
> really tricky stuff.

        That is ok... now that I know the reason for it, it is not a problem to
use the appropriate style, Paragraph*.  This thing doesn't need a table of
contents, anyway.  :)  Thanks for the answer!

        Is a similar LaTeX restriction why you can't have a footnote in a table,


// Carl Hudkins ]=[ ICQ: 5723399 ]=[ PGP: 0x50238d9e
// <Vida> i am afraid of programs! 
//  Vida uses Windoze :)

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