Ok, I have an addendum to this...

On 16-Apr-99 John Ya-ya wrote:

>         I am working on several documents which use margin notes to show the
> date on which particular information was entered.  A few of these notes print
> successfully, but now I have encountered one or more which will not.  When I

        I have determined how to bypass this, although not why it occurs.  For
some reason, that line will not allow me to have a margin note in it if I'm
using the style, "Paragraph".  However, if I change the style to "Paragraph*",
it works just fine.  The note prints as expected, and so does the rest of the
document.  It's still puzzling, but at least now I can get usable output.  :/

// Carl Hudkins ]=[ ICQ: 5723399 ]=[ PGP: 0x50238d9e
// <Vida> i am afraid of programs! 
//  Vida uses Windoze :)

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