I am no expert, but I think the solution is in the reference 'package'
you use, specified in \usepackage{nnnn} in the preamble. At the moment
it is probably using the default.
So, if you pick the reference package that meets your or your
university's requirements (eg. Harvard, Chicago, APA) and use it then
you will find your problem goes away. Have a look on the tex archives
ftp site for the bibtex references styles/packages people have written
(CTAN i think its called, i can never remember these things!).
hope this helps
Patrick Zuther wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am just writing my thesis with lyx (great program). But now I have a
> problem, which I cannot solve by myself. The style guides at my
> university require round brackets for citations, instead of the used
> square ones.
> Does anybody know how to change this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Patrick