On 05/07/2017 10:43 AM, Michael Hrons wrote:
Is there any reason why I cannot get WiFi working?as I have 17.04
installed on another PC and it works fine with the same USB Dongle
Realtek.Problem is the Plus Net Password is not accepted? Help
appreciated Thanks
There is a problem with wireless dongles (USB) with all flavors of
Ubuntu, including Lubuntu. It has been reported, and acknowledged, but
it appears the developers expect all of the manufacturers to change
their drivers to handle a new feature that effectively makes wireless
stop working for many of us.
Fortunately, there is a work-around, which will fix things while they
wait for all the manufacturers to change their handlers.
In a terminal, enter the following commands:
sudo -H leafpad /etc/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.conf
Enter your password, and a Leafpad window should appear.
Go down to the last line, insert a line, then enter the following lines:
Save the resulting file (in the Leafpad window), then reboot, and you
wireless will then start working.
Needing to reboot means you have to install from DVD or USB with no
Internet connection. But this seems to work okay for me (so far).
After installing, I do the above steps, reboot, and then with Internet
access via wireless), I can install all updates.
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