
Andrea Florio has written on Thursday,  4 July, at 12:14:
>i don't want to sound annoying, but don't you think you are wasting time
>and focus?

>GTK2+ , GTK3, Qt.. a lot of "games" but little innovation or "real"
>development ..

>i have some questions..

>where is the project going?
>what are the developers goals?
>what framework are you choosing to allow people to join and be productive?

    As the most active developer of libfm and pcmanfm-gtk I can answer
that GTK3 is a no go way. GTK2 is still used in development and pcmanfm
which uses GTK2 is the most feature rich and resourse effective version
at this moment. Qt versions of LXDE parts is in active development as
well (thanks to PCMan). My desire is to have both versions (GTK2 and Qt
ones) feature identical, with their code as close as possible which may
allow to add bugfixes and features into both versions easily.
    If you want to help LXDE project you can use the framework you know
better, be it GTK2 or Qt. Someone will help you port your changes into
another version I believe, it's not so hard at last. And as always, if
you want to contribute into project then do it with application which you
like and which you use often enough. That is general rule for developer
as always. :)


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