[replies inline]
Best regards

On 2013-11-11 11:55, Ali Linx (amjjawad) wrote:
> Hi,
> The Waiting Period is over now :)
> On Wed, Nov 6, 2013 at 1:02 PM, Ali Linx (amjjawad) <amjja...@gmail.com
> <mailto:amjja...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Dear Communications Team and Brainstorming Team,
>     May I have you attention, please?
> For 5 days, no one has replied except Sergio? Hmm, this is not good :)
>     First of all, for those who are now aware of this, Lubuntu Team or
>     at least those who are still active and around, they don't have
>     access on the Website of Lubuntu and can't update it often. This is
>     a long story that I am avoiding for now but at the same time, I feel
>     that I must jump in and do something about this due to the huge
>     importance of Lubuntu 14.04 for us as a community and for our users
>     and because of all that, I can't remain silent about this anymore.
> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/lubuntu-brainstorming/+spec/lubuntu-website
>     I know some of you may not be so patient and wait for a response
>     from anyone. Therefore, this email :)
>     1- I am working side by side with some good members of Lubuntu
>     Community to come up with a solution to this issue once and for all.
>     Patience is required, my good friends :)
>     2- I have Plan B in mind in case our mission will fail and we won't
>     be able to solve the website issue so rest assure that we will not
>     give up so easily ;)
>     3- For the last 2 years of Lubuntu Community History, there were
>     VERY few who were super active and heavily involved, doing the dirty
>     job and jump in whenever needed. THIS SHOULD BE HISTORY NOW. I ask
>     each and everyone to be responsible and HELP and WORK as a team. You
>     are not required to do much, just do something because you are part
>     of this team. I am not going to ask you what you need to do, that
>     should come from you ;)
>     4- "We must all have a great sense of responsibility and not let
>     things happen because everyone takes the comfortable view that
>     someone else is looking after it. Someone else isn't looking after
>     it = Team Work.
>     I have updated the above Blueprint with the latest progress and if
>     there is anything new, I will update it right away.
>     As for Plan B, you need to be patient :) I don't want to discuss
>     that while there is still some hope :)
>     I expect your support and help in this issue, simply because, you
>     belong to the best community in the world and part of the best
>     system in the world and it is a pleasure to be part of this community :)
>     Thank you!
> https://lists.launchpad.net/lubuntu-comms/msg00726.html
> And, until date, there is NO reply from Mario nor anyone else who at
> least 'claims' that he/she is in charge :)

There is no reply in the form of a mail, but someone has edited the text
about PAE, that I requested on the page Lubuntu.net. The edit is done in
a positive way (improving the text).

So there is response. Who edited the page? Is there some link, that we
@Lubuntu-comms don't know?

> Before I carry on with the idea I had in mind, I must be extra honest
> with all of you.
> Lubuntu Team has a big issue which is LACK of communications. I have
> failed to find a logical explanation to this. I don't want to make it
> even worse but I personally do NOT like the way this team is heading.
> Yes, we are all volunteers and yes, real life comes first and all that
> is totally understood but what happened to the word: 'commitment' ???
> even if this is a volunteer job or task, people who are in charge/action
> must communicate and everyone who thinks he is involved must
> communicate. Am I missing something here? is there any other
> communication channel that I am not aware of?

What does Julien Lavergne know? Has he got a password to edit the page
or is he asking Mario Behling to edit the page (in private communications)?

What does Julien think about our activity? Maybe he does not want us to
get control of Lubuntu.net.

Who dares or wants to ask Julien?

> *_Okay, the plan is:_*
> Since we haven't received any reply, I do suggest to focus our attention
> on: [http://lubuntublog.blogspot.com] instead of the website that WE, as
> Lubuntu Team, has NO control over.
> This suggestion/idea is based on many reasons:
> 1- Rafael is the administrator of Lubuntu Blog and he is around and
> reply his emails and jump in to help and roll up his sleeves every time
> we need his help. He is a real active member who deserves our full respect.
> 2- Lubuntu Blog can be updated, corrected, publish, etc ... it is an
> active channel that WE do have control over.
> 3- Dealing with Lubuntu Blog is piece of cake. You can always update,
> correct mistakes, etc. No big deal.
> 4- Rafael, AFAIK, doesn't mind to give 'Author' Access to members who
> are interested to publish some news and he can remain the admin of the
> site for technical issues, etc.
> 5- Many Websites are based on 'Blog' concept: Peppermint and Ubuntu
> GNOME are both based on WordPress: http://ubuntugnome.org/ and
> http://peppermintos.com/

Yes, it might be a good idea, that Lubuntu-comms work with a different
platform than Lubuntu.net. If you feel comfortable with Lubuntu Blog, it
is fine with me.


I will probably stick to looking after the 'One Button Installer',
'Lubuntu fake-PAE' and 'How to make USB boot drives' alias 'mkusb'

- developing the code
- maintaining tutorials at the Ubuntu Forums
- maintaining wiki pages

I might help with other tasks too, when and if something has 'highest
priority': some simple development task, testing, wiki page editing
(beyond 'my own' wiki pages) ...

> So, what do you think?
> And, as you may know, it is very easy to focus and drag everyone's
> attention to the blog ;)
> On Wiki Area and Social Media (Facebook, Google+ and Twitter), we can
> make an announcement that  Lubuntu Blog is our main channel and let the
> website idle as it is.
> Few days ago, I changed the access for Mario from Facebook Page Manager to:
> Mario Behling
> Insights Analyst
> <https://www.facebook.com/pages/edit/?id=105956559439428&tab=admin_roles#>
> Mario can view insights.
> He did not send me yet asking why is that which proves he is either not
> interested, or very busy, or inactive and if you ask me, the
> managers/admins roles must be given to active people :)
> Don't get me wrong, my good friends but you see, I am doing my best here
> and sharing all my thoughts with you but I am NOT a superman, I can't do
> everything all by myself. I am tired of being super active :) we need to
> work as a TEAM. Can we?
> Thank you!
> -- 
> Remember: "All of us are smarter than any one of us."
> Best Regards,
> amjjawad <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad>
> Areas of Involvement <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/AreasOfInvolvement>
> My Projects <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/amjjawad/Projects>

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