
Conforme eu tinha dito em uma msg anterior, esta forma de utilização do tail
está depreciada (apesar de outros UNIX ainda a utilizarem, exemplo o

Se quiserem mais explicações, é só ler o FAQ do pacote Core Utilities.

Daniel Carlos

33 Old tail plus N syntax now fails

Old tail syntax tail +N FILE now fails.

     $ tail +5 FILENAME
     tail: cannot open `+5' for reading: No such file or directory
     ==> FILENAME <==

The problem is that "+" is a valid filename character and is not an expected
option character. Options are *supposed* to start with a "-" character. It
has always been a bad idea to eat up an additional character as an
additional option specifier. This is now no longer allowed by the standards.
The tail command is now required to respect that "+" is not an option and
treat it as a filename.

2008/11/11 Rúbia Karla <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Eu acho que não.
> Tentei em vários sistemas e nenhum reconhece a sintaxe +.

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