Yes, bfc00000 is the correct offset. And PMON flash is plugged, not soldered.

On Wed, May 21, 2014 at 6:10 PM, David Kuehling <> wrote:
>>>>>> "Huacai" == Huacai Chen <> writes:
>> master branch need a new version of PMON, you can use this one:
> Same upgrade method as for Fuloong?  Googeling around I only find
> chinese documentation for Xinghuo pmon upgrade, looks like a command
> such as this should work [1]:
>  load -rf bfc00000 (usb0,0)/pmon-A1101-2.0.6.bin
> Don't understand chinese, can you confirm that bfc00000 is the correct
> offset for the PMON firmware?  I hope PMON's flash is just plugged not
> soldered into the mainboard, in case something goes wrong!?
> cheers,
> David
> [1]
> --
> GnuPG public key:
> Fingerprint: B63B 6AF2 4EEB F033 46F7  7F1D 935E 6F08 E457 205F

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