>>>>> "Huacai" == Huacai Chen <chenhua...@gmail.com> writes:

> You can try the master branch again, I have updated the code.

Just tried with 7a7d4e7770a (based on 3.15-rc5), and it seems to work (I
accidentally configured with CONFIG_SMP disabled, will have to check
another time whether SMP works).

Unfortunately it doesn't seem to support fan control for the loongson3a
mini-itx board (xinghuo).  CPU fan keeps noisily spinning at top speed.
It does have some kind of loongson3a hwmon code:

  $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input 

And the wpce_fan.c seems to be compiled in:

  $ cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon2/name 

But I didn't find out where it would set a fan policy nor how I could do
so from user space.

Also comparing arch/mips/loongson/common/machtype.c between 3.5.0-9 and
master, I see that all the loongson3 based systems have been reduced to
'generic-loongson-machine' (and looking at /proc/cpuinfo confirms

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