Wow that's cool, both Froyo and ICS now get mouse supported!

2012/3/3 zhangfx <>:
> Our experience is that froyo CAN support mouse with no/little extra effort.
>>> I recalled that I spent a little time to work through the path and might
>>> have some small fixes, then it worked.
>> Please give us a tip ^_^
> Sorry for the long delay. I would like to recommend this:
> for understanding of android input system.
> I have looked at the old froyo code, no bug fixes are needed for the mouse
> to work. So just try to understand the input flow, find out what is wrong.
> e.g. does getevent(run it in adb shell) output something when you move the
> mouse? if so, does EventHub get the event? (enable or add some debugging
> information in frameworks/base/services/input for ics, in
> frameworks/base/libs/ui, EventHub.cpp, InputReader.cpp, InputDispatcher.cpp
> etc.)
> ICS repository for loongson3 laptop is now uploaded to,
> the input system need the following patch(I don't see why it will not cause
> problem for other platform...)
>     commit d7acbb5f2e4180eb5777dd055488f8276ff5abce
> Author: repo sync <>
> Date:   Sat Feb 4 14:53:31 2012 +0800
>    fix wrong size of keybit/relbit etc. It causes failures of mouse
> diff --git a/services/input/EventHub.h b/services/input/EventHub.h
> index 048083c..a50de33 100644
> --- a/services/input/EventHub.h
> +++ b/services/input/EventHub.h
> @@ -289,12 +289,12 @@ private:
>         uint32_t classes;
> -        uint32_t keyBitmask[(KEY_MAX + 1) / 32];
> -        uint32_t absBitmask[(ABS_MAX + 1) / 32];
> -        uint32_t relBitmask[(REL_MAX + 1) / 32];
> -        uint32_t swBitmask[(SW_MAX + 1) / 32];
> -        uint32_t ledBitmask[(LED_MAX + 1) / 32];
> -        uint32_t propBitmask[(INPUT_PROP_MAX + 1) / 32];
> +        uint32_t keyBitmask[(KEY_MAX + 32) / 32];
> +        uint32_t absBitmask[(ABS_MAX + 32) / 32];
> +        uint32_t relBitmask[(REL_MAX + 32) / 32];
> +        uint32_t swBitmask[(SW_MAX + 32) / 32];
> +        uint32_t ledBitmask[(LED_MAX + 32) / 32];
> +        uint32_t propBitmask[(INPUT_PROP_MAX + 32) / 32];
>         String8 configurationFile;
>         PropertyMap* configuration;
> The array size will be zero for relBitmask etc. with original code.
> To get all code:
>  mkdir loongson-ics
>  cd loongson-ics
>  repo init --repo-url=git:// --repo-branch=stable
> -u git:// -b loongson-ics-r0 -m
> loongson-ics-r0.xml
>  repo sync
>>> Will check the code when have time。
>>> For 4.0, there is a bug prevent a mouse being recognized as CURSOR
>>> device,will post the code(together with the other fixes) to my github
>>> later.
>>> BTW:
>>> I have finally got some free time in last weekend to continue. Now
>>> android ics for loongson is in a good shape for LS3 laptop:
>>> opengl, alsa sound, mouse/keyboard, wifi, fake sdcard (to make lots of
>>> apps happy), some mips apk from Junzheng nova system including QQ/金山
>>> wps etc. partly works.
>>> With some more work, lots of apps are hopefully to work with decent
>>> performance:0
>> Nice news. If someday I can have a LS3 laptop, I will be glad to join you.
>> BTW, our project is up. Visit us at:
> --
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