在 2012年2月21日 下午5:09,zhangfx <zhan...@lemote.com> 写道:
> 于 2012-2-21 16:39, Zhen Xin 写道:
>> Hi,
>>     I tried and found that there is partly support for mouse in the
>> Froyo. The right-button of mouse is "BACK" and the middle-button is
>> "MENU". Left-button is supposed to be the "TAP" action, however, the
>> mouse cursor doesn't move when I move the mouse.
>>     Here is the screenshot, on which a cursor is seen.
> Our experience is that froyo CAN support mouse with no/little extra effort.
> I recalled that I spent a little time to work through the path and might
> have some small fixes, then it worked.

Please give us a tip ^_^

> Will check the code when have time。
> For 4.0, there is a bug prevent a mouse being recognized as CURSOR
> device,will post the code(together with the other fixes) to my github
> later.
> BTW:
> I have finally got some free time in last weekend to continue. Now
> android ics for loongson is in a good shape for LS3 laptop:
> opengl, alsa sound, mouse/keyboard, wifi, fake sdcard (to make lots of
> apps happy), some mips apk from Junzheng nova system including QQ/金山
> wps etc. partly works.
> With some more work, lots of apps are hopefully to work with decent
> performance:0

Nice news. If someday I can have a LS3 laptop, I will be glad to join you.

>> http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7208/6907265731_7b65a53f59.jpg

BTW, our project is up. Visit us at: https://github.com/lone-/manifests/wiki


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