于 2012-1-13 18:34, Zhen Xin 写道:
> The whole mirror takes 7.8GB so the size does really matter.
First, github seems free for public repositories.
Second, to reduce the size, you can just refer to other repositories for
all no-change parts.
Modified packages are related limited. Most part can directly refer to
mips's github repository
in the manifest.xml.
> 在 2012年1月13日 上午12:19,李晖 <lihui205...@gmail.com> 写道:
>> No matter push to dev.lemote.com or github, only if we can pull data
>> down is ok!
>> BTW, github will charge if the program's size is too large, who will
>> pay for it?
>> On 1月12日, 下午6时12分, zhangfx <zhan...@lemote.com> wrote:
>>> 于 2012-1-12 11:37, Zhen Xin 写道:> If sqlite is the evil, you should be able 
>>> to reproduce it by writing a
>>>> pure C program that calls the same function and dynamically linked to
>>>> /system/lib/libsqlite.so when loading. Just several lines can confirm
>>>> this.
>>>> And, well, here is my question: after inquired Google and Baidu and
>>>> several other ones I still have no idea how to clone an Android source
>>>> code repository on dev.lemote.com via the Git interface. Could someone
>>>> please point me a tutorial/example in detail or just do this for me?
>>>> Thanks.......
>>> Temporary you cannot create a git repo from outside on dev.lemote.com,
>>> you can
>>> contact yanhua y...@lemote.com to help setup one for your android work.
>>> But I would like to recommend use github to host the code for better
>>> service.
>>> Our server might be extremely slow for many non-chinatelecom users.
>>>> 在 2012年1月12日 上午12:38,李晖 <lihui205...@gmail.com> 写道:
>>>>> hi, all
>>>>>    by further debuging, I found this problem was cased by calling
>>>>> sqlite3_open_v2(path8, &handle, sqliteFlags, NULL) function in dbopen
>>>>> of frameworks\base\core\jni\android_database_SQLiteDatabase.cpp file,
>>>>> it not crash directly in the sqlite3_open_v2 function, but died some
>>>>> where
>>>>> after calling sqlite3_open_v2, if I replaced the sqlite3_open_v2
>>>>> function with the following code:
>>>>> for(int i=0;i<10000000;i++)
>>>>>    LOGI("useless code");
>>>>> process will not die in the for loop at least, so I think the
>>>>> sqlite3_open_v2 function is the evil, but I do not know what to do
>>>>> next!
>>>>> BTW, the linux kernel is 64bit and android filesystem is 32bit, did it
>>>>> affect?
>>>>> On 1月11日, 上午12时33分, 李晖 <lihui205...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>>>> hi, all
>>>>>>     I am porting android to loongson2f, when the System Server bring up 
>>>>>> the
>>>>>> Account Manager
>>>>>> Service, the System Service process was terminated by signal 11, by 
>>>>>> adding
>>>>>> log to the source code,
>>>>>> I found it died in the JNI C code, following is the calling stack:
>>>>>>> ServerThread:run
>>>>>>>     PowerManagerService()
>>>>>>>         validateAccounts()
>>>>>>>             DatabaseHelper::getWritableDatabase()
>>>>>>>                 SQLiteOpenHelper::getWritableDatabase()
>>>>>>>                     ContextImpl::openOrCreateDatabase()
>>>>>>>                         SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase()
>>>>>>>                             SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase()
>>>>>>>                                 SQLiteDatabase()  //Constructor
>>>>>>>                                     dbopen()    //JNI C code implemented
>>>>>>> in "frameworks\base\core\jni\android_database_SQLiteDatabase.cpp
>>>>>> I am sure the System Service died in the dbopen code as I called the 
>>>>>> Log.i
>>>>>> function millions time
>>>>>> before the dbopen, log are all printed correctly, and I also added the
>>>>>> following the code at the
>>>>>> end of dbopen function:
>>>>>>> for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
>>>>>>> {
>>>>>>> fprintf(fp, "dbopen %d\n", i);
>>>>>>> fflush(fp);
>>>>>>> }
>>>>>> not all logs are recored, if I removes the for loop at the end of dbopen
>>>>>> function, the system will die some statement after the dbopen call, so, I
>>>>>> think the system died in this function, but I don't known how to fix it,
>>>>>> did it have to do with the JNI system?
>>>>>> any suggestion or tips will be appreciated!
>>>>>> thanks!
>>>>>> Best Regards
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>>>> 北京航空航天大学大学嵌入式系统实验室
>>>>>> 新主楼G座1028室
>>>>>> 李晖
>>>>>> MSN:lihui205...@163.com
>>>>> --
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