hi, all
    I am porting android to loongson2f, when the System Server bring up the
Account Manager

Service, the System Service process was terminated by signal 11, by adding
log to the source code,

I found it died in the JNI C code, following is the calling stack:

> ServerThread:run
>     PowerManagerService()
>         validateAccounts()
>             DatabaseHelper::getWritableDatabase()
>                 SQLiteOpenHelper::getWritableDatabase()
>                     ContextImpl::openOrCreateDatabase()
>                         SQLiteDatabase.openOrCreateDatabase()
>                             SQLiteDatabase.openDatabase()
>                                 SQLiteDatabase()  //Constructor
>                                     dbopen()    //JNI C code implemented
> in "frameworks\base\core\jni\android_database_SQLiteDatabase.cpp

I am sure the System Service died in the dbopen code as I called the Log.i
function millions time

before the dbopen, log are all printed correctly, and I also added the
following the code at the

end of dbopen function:

> for(int i=0; i<1000; i++)
> {
> fprintf(fp, "dbopen %d\n", i);
> fflush(fp);
> }

not all logs are recored, if I removes the for loop at the end of dbopen
function, the system will die some statement after the dbopen call, so, I
think the system died in this function, but I don't known how to fix it,
did it have to do with the JNI system?

any suggestion or tips will be appreciated!

Best Regards

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