The kernel is not specific to Android. Try get the kernel source from
LLC GIT and make it bootable before adding Android stuff to it.

2011/11/21 李晖 <>:
> hi all,
>    I am porting android to loongson2f, the android file system has
> been modified and compiled succeed, and I downloaded the android linux
> kernul from as the
> official android linux kernel can not be accessed, and it was compiled
> succeed, so it's time to test if they all work well.
>    I have tried to load the kernel in the pmon environment,
> PMON> load /dev/fs/ext2@sata0/boot/vmlinux_android2.2   (load the
> android linux kernel)
> /Loading file: /dev/fs/ext2@sata0/boot/vmlinux_android2.2(elf)
> 0x80200000/5000832 + 0x806c4e80/677104(z) + 11790 syms|nload, ep =
> 80204a90
> Entry address is 80204a90
> PMON> g console=tty root=/dev/sda5 rw init=/init
> androidboot.console=tty0 (execute the android linux kernel, and I put
> the android system to the /dev/sda5 partition)
>   zero      at       v0       v1       a0       a1       a2
> a3
>  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000006 afdffc08 afdffc24
> 800edab8
>    t0       t1       t2       t3       t4       t5       t6
> t7
>  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> 00000000
>    s0       s1       s2       s3       s4       s5       s6
> s7
>  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
> 00000000
>    t8       t9       k0       k1       gp       sp       s8
> ra
>  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 afdffbe8 00000000
> 8007d198
> as you see, loongson stopped there, and the num lock and scroll lock
> key of the keyboard flashing!
> did any one come across this problem? Is the problem of pmon or the
> linux kernel?
> Any suggestion or information will be appreciated!
> --
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