**** Final Call for Workshops and Tutorials: Diagrams 2024 ****
*14th International Conference on * *the Theory **and Application * *of Diagrams* *September 27 – October 1, 2024* University of Münster, Germany www.diagrams-conference.org/2024 *************************************************************************** The Diagrams conference provides a united forum for all researchers with an interest in the study of diagrams. The conference fosters multi-disciplinarity and allows researchers from areas such as computer science, mathematics, psychology, philosophy, history (of science, art, etc.), education research, and more to meet and share their perspectives on the theory and application of diagrams. We invite proposals for half-day or full-day *workshops*. These workshops will be held on the first (Friday, September 27) and the last (Tuesday, October 1) conference day. They will occur at the main conference venue at Münster University in Germany. Workshops are expected to address topics of interest to the Diagrams 2024 conference attendees. These include but are not limited to, the issues of interest found on the Main Track, Philosophy Track, and Psychology & Education Track Calls pages at: www.diagrams-conference.org/2024. Examples of previous Workshops include: · International Workshop on Set Visualisation and Reasoning · The International Workshop on Euler Diagrams · Technology-Enhanced Diagrams Research · Accessible Graphics: Graphics for Vision Impaired People For more information, see: https://diagrams-2024.diagrams-conference.org/calls/workshops/ For further questions, please contact the Workshop Track Chair, Silvia De Toffoli (silvia.detoff...@iusspavia.it). We also invite *tutorials* consisting of shorter presentations and activities that run for a maximum of 2 hours. Previously, attendees have particularly enjoyed tutorials that are interactive and spark debate. In contrast to Workshops, Tutorials do not solicit contributions from attendees. Tutorials are expected to address topics that are of interest to the Diagrams 2024 conference attendees. These include but are not limited to, the issues of interest found on the Main Track, Philosophy Track, and Psychology & Education Track Calls pages at: www.diagrams-conference.org/2024. Examples of previous Tutorials include: · Visualizing "Information" · Learning to use the Openbox: A Framework for the Implementation of Heterogeneous Reasoning · Drawing Euler Diagrams for Information Visualization · Interpreting and understanding relational database queries using diagrams · Representational Systems Theory: What, Why and How? · Square of Opposition: Theory and Applications For more information and examples of previous tutorials, see: https://diagrams-2024.diagrams-conference.org/calls/tutorials/ For further questions, please contact the Tutorial Track Chair: Andrea Reichenberger (andrea.reichenber...@uni-siegen.de). Please notice that for both Workshops and Tutorials, at least one of the authors of an accepted submission will be expected to attend the conference. Key deadlines: Submission: March 1, 2024. Notification: March 15, 2024. -- *Publicity Chair, Diagrams Conference 2024* Giulia Ferrari, PhD Mathematics Education University of Torino -- LOGICA-L Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica <logica-l@dimap.ufrn.br> --- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br. Para acessar esta discussão na web, acesse https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CACRvmVS%3DuwLE3NsOeMHon6XLtkHs54Q9FbrwQQQpKvP_N_oZCw%40mail.gmail.com.