Logica Universalis Webinar February 14, 2024 at 4pm CET Speaker: Til Eyinck https://petrarca.phil-fak.uni-koeln.de/mitarbeiterinnen/til-eyinck Petrarca Institute, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Cologne, Germany
Title: "Should We Embrace Impossible Worlds Due to the Flaws of Normal Modal Logic?" Abstract "Some philosophers advance the claim that the phenomena of logical omniscience and of the indiscernibility of metaphysical statements, which arise in (certain) interpretations of normal modal logic, provide strong reasons in favour of impossible world approaches. These two specific lines of argument will be presented and discussed in this paper. Contrary to the recent much-held view that the characteristics of these two phenomena provide us with strong reasons to adopt impossible world approaches, the view defended here is that no such ‘knock-down arguments’ do emanate on those grounds. This is not to rule out that there cannot be any other good reasons for assuming impossible world semantics. However, the discussion of a further argument for impossible worlds will suggest that different attempts to argue for them likely present intertwined problems." https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11787-024-00344-4 Organization to be presented before the talk: Junior Research Group: Women in Focus. Rethinking Philosophy and History of Mathematics and Physics https://www.uni-siegen.de/fb6/phima/women/?lang=de presented by Jasmin Özel https://jasminozel.com/ Chair : Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen https://rel.hkbu.edu.hk/people/pietarinen-ahti-veikko Hong Kong Baptist University Editorial Board LU Everybody is welcome to join, register here: https://cassyni.com/s/logica-universalis/seminars JYB Editor-in-Chief LU and LUW Organizer https://www.jyb-logic.org/ -- LOGICA-L Lista acadêmica brasileira dos profissionais e estudantes da área de Lógica <logica-l@dimap.ufrn.br> --- Você está recebendo esta mensagem porque se inscreveu no grupo "LOGICA-L" dos Grupos do Google. Para cancelar inscrição nesse grupo e parar de receber e-mails dele, envie um e-mail para logica-l+unsubscr...@dimap.ufrn.br. Para acessar esta discussão na web, acesse https://groups.google.com/a/dimap.ufrn.br/d/msgid/logica-l/CAF2zFLBe_T9tVSWkzhtrw9sTZnZgAVfB7LMxBJ6uGzbxfMiwmg%40mail.gmail.com.