Hi Daniel,

This is the feedback from the Galician LoCo Team

On 25/01/11 11:27, Daniel Holbach wrote:
> If you could reply back to the list and give a brief (one line answers
> are totally fine) update on the following questions, that'd be great.
>  * In this cycle, how was activity compared to the cycle before?

We have increased our activity. We are working with several Galician
LUGs and other associations devoted to free software in general, to help
them to organize activities and events.

>  * If you use a Launchpad team for your LoCo, did you have many people
>    joining/leaving?

7 new members in 2010 (none left the team)

>  * Do you have an expiry policy set for your team?

Yes, members must renew their membership every year.

>  * If you have a look at the list of former members of your team
>    (https://launchpad.net/~YOURTEAM/+members#former - only works if
>    you're admin/owner of the team) are there many that got deactivated
>    or expired in the last cycle/year?


> Thanks a lot for giving some brief feedback on this. Maybe once we have
> a couple of results we can discuss them together.
> Have a great day, and keep up the good work,
>  Daniel


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