
I am answering as a stand in for jarlen,our regular loco-contact - from
the Danish team:

>* In this cycle, how was activity compared to the cycle before?

I should say more activity: in Aarhus, the second largest town in
Denmark we participate in what we call Open Space (meetings and lectures
together with other Linux/Open Source people) on a regular basis, there
were a couple of arrangements in public malls, and this spring we
participate in Open Source Days. We run a very active Forum, which has
recently had a serious overhaul and been brought up to state of the art.
Support is also ongoing on irc, but the schedule for regular irc
meetings has been tuned down a little.

>* If you use a Launchpad team for your LoCo, did you have many people

We do use a Launchpad team (Ubuntu DK) which is growing steadily. At the
moment there are 41 members as compared to ab. 30 last year.

>* Do you have an expiry policy set for your team?

No - as of January we noticed that most of the group, administrators
included, were expiring at the end of January although we were all
active - but in the nick of time the date was set to infinity. I don't
suppose that another data will be set, as members of the group are
active in support or setting up other activities.

>* If you have a look at the list of former members of your team
  (https://launchpad.net/~YOURTEAM/+members#former - only works if
    you're admin/owner of the team) are there many that got deactivated
   or expired in the last cycle/year?
I'm not an administrator, but to my knowledge none or at the most a few
have been deactivated.

yours flemming christensen (laoshi)


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