Missouri Ubuntu LOCO Team

* In this cycle, how was activity compared to the cycle before?
 We are just restarting a previously defunct team so there has been a lot of 
increase in activity

* If you use a Launchpad team for your LoCo, did you have many people
   joining/leaving? We have quite a few (5-10) and many more becoming more 

* Do you have an expiry policy set for your team?
 I am only aware of one member with a expiration date based upon the Launchpad 

* If you have a look at the list of former members of your team
  are there many that got deactivated  or expired in the last cycle/year?
 We had one drop out in June of last year and he was deactivated

Thanks a lot for giving some brief feedback on this. Maybe once we have
a couple of results we can discuss them together.
 We're looking for support resources and advice on building up the Ubuntu 
Missouri LOCO team
email me here as the contact person if you would,

loco-contacts mailing list
loco-contacts mailing list

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