On 01/25/2011 05:27 AM, Daniel Holbach wrote:
Hello everybody,

Hi Daniel!

  * In this cycle, how was activity compared to the cycle before?

Generally, about the same. Which means, I wish we could have done more.

  * If you use a Launchpad team for your LoCo, did you have many people

Joining: About the same as always. Maybe a little bit more.
Leaving: see below.

  * Do you have an expiry policy set for your team?


  * If you have a look at the list of former members of your team
    (https://launchpad.net/~YOURTEAM/+members#former - only works if
    you're admin/owner of the team) are there many that got deactivated
    or expired in the last cycle/year?

Looks like maybe just one (since I can't see when they deactivated themselves, just when they joined).

Thanks a lot for giving some brief feedback on this. Maybe once we have
a couple of results we can discuss them together.

You're welcome and yes, I'd be curious to hear reasons why we should set an auto-expirey on our team. I like the idea of knowing a more accurate number of people *actually* *still* interested in the team, and maybe for that I should just count how many are subscribed to our mailing list (still hosted on lists.ubuntu.com, not Launchpad).

Have a great day, and keep up the good work,

You too! Thanks, Daniel!


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