Op vrijdag 02-10-2009 om 13:08 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Neil
> I'm just looking for a few ideas on how team members can
> document/record their participation in areas that are not related to
> coding, bug fixing, etc. Since launchpad is focused primarily on
> actual code contributions, how would we record, for instance, the
> months of work that one of our team members has put into building a
> Freedom Toaster, or the constant work done by another member on
> updating our loco site?
> Is it simply a matter of each member recording their own contributions
> on their wiki page? It just seems that the bulk of our team members
> (who are not developers but contribute greatly in other areas)
> "appear" to be doing very little on launchpad, when this is not the
> case at all. So I'm just wondering if and how other teams have tackled
> this?

Documenting things on the Team's wikipage & site sounds like a good
idea.  E.g. make sure that you name the maker(s) when you write a report
about the use of the Freedom Toaster, or even write an article / wiki
page about the making itself (especially if you have step by step

A page of core team members & what they do/did is also useful, e.g. for
forum moderators, IRC ops & site updaters.

Jan Claeys

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