Hi all,

I'm just looking for a few ideas on how team members can
document/record their participation in areas that are not related to
coding, bug fixing, etc. Since launchpad is focused primarily on
actual code contributions, how would we record, for instance, the
months of work that one of our team members has put into building a
Freedom Toaster, or the constant work done by another member on
updating our loco site?

Is it simply a matter of each member recording their own contributions
on their wiki page? It just seems that the bulk of our team members
(who are not developers but contribute greatly in other areas)
"appear" to be doing very little on launchpad, when this is not the
case at all. So I'm just wondering if and how other teams have tackled

Any thoughts would be appreciated.


Neil Coetzer
Team Contact
Ubuntu Zimbabwe LoCo Team

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