On Fr, 2009-10-02 at 09:35 +0100, Alan Pope wrote:
> I personally fail to see the issue with forwarding LoCo Contacts mails
> to LoCo lists. It may be that they need to be edited, translated or
> otherwise modified, but I don't recall any messages that have content
> which should absolutely not be passed to LoCo lists. Indeed most of
> the more recent mails have explicitly requested to be passed far and
> wide to increase readership and thus awareness of the content.

I think I'd even go a step further than that and expect from LoCo
contacts to ensure that information is flowing both ways. I just spent a
few minutes to try to word a clarification for the LoCoTeamContact page
on the wiki:


Please add a comment below and tell me what you think.

Have a great day,

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