On Dec 11, 2007, at 8:36 PM, Chris Lattner wrote:

Making the address space default to zero is convenient, but
dangerous. This means that xforms that play with pointers need to be
very careful to propagate this info in some cases.

This is true.

Do you think this  is the best way to go?

As opposed to no default value, forcing clients to propagate this


Do many clients of PointerType::get need to be aware of addr spaces?

Many do. Unfortunately it seems common to simply pass a value's type
around and synthesize a pointer when needed. The addition of address
spaces means that this approach is no longer equivalent to passing
the pointer type, and I expect there will be fixes needed to once a
back end depends on this feature.

I think I'd really rather have people have to provide it so that
people cons'ing up pointers have to think about alternate address
spaces and that all existing code gets updated.  This makes it much
less likely that alternate address spaces are a second class feature
that is just too buggy to rely on.

First class it is, sir.

It would be nice to use the above stuff to avoid duplicating this
production.  Maybe it would need to be:

OptCommaAddrSpace ::= ',' ADDRSPACE '(' EUINT64VAL ')' { $$=$4; }
OptCommaAddrSpace ::= /*empty*/ { $$ = 0; }

And then just add OptCommaAddrSpace to the existing production. What
do you think?

Avoiding the duplicate production is good, but I'm not sure about
the comma. The addrspace() qualifier can not be positionally
permuted with other attributes, the comma gives the impression that
it can be.

Good point, but I don't think lack of comma really makes it clear

I agree. No compromises. I will improve my bison-fu.

Christopher Lamb

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