
>From 53bba63c6a55464ac1872dc60f39510eff426d64 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Justin Bogner <>
Date: Thu, 19 Dec 2024 16:33:48 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 1/2] [DirectX] Implement the resource.load.rawbuffer intrinsic

This introduces `@llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer` and generalizes the
buffer load docs under DirectX/DXILResources.

This resolves the "load" parts of #106188
 llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst           | 151 ++++++++++--
 llvm/include/llvm/IR/     |   4 +
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/               |  19 ++
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp     |   4 +
 llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp    |  45 ++++
 llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/BufferLoad-sm61.ll  |  60 +++++
 .../CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad-error64.ll  |  24 ++
 llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad.ll    | 232 ++++++++++++++++++
 llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp           |   4 +-
 9 files changed, 516 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/BufferLoad-sm61.ll
 create mode 100644 llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad-error64.ll
 create mode 100644 llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad.ll

diff --git a/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst 
index fafcb247f49c94..bcce1b52d9a485 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst
@@ -321,36 +321,40 @@ Examples:
 16-byte Loads, Samples, and Gathers
-*relevant types: TypedBuffer, CBuffer, and Textures*
-TypedBuffer, CBuffer, and Texture loads, as well as samples and gathers, can
-return 1 to 4 elements from the given resource, to a maximum of 16 bytes of
-data. DXIL's modeling of this is influenced by DirectX and DXBC's history and
-it generally treats these operations as returning 4 32-bit values. For 16-bit
-elements the values are 16-bit values, and for 64-bit values the operations
-return 4 32-bit integers and emit further code to construct the double.
-In DXIL, these operations return `ResRet`_ and `CBufRet`_ values, are structs
-containing 4 elements of the same type, and in the case of `ResRet` a 5th
-element that is used by the `CheckAccessFullyMapped`_ operation.
-In LLVM IR the intrinsics will return the contained type of the resource
-instead. That is, ``llvm.dx.resource.load.typedbuffer`` from a
-``Buffer<float>`` would return a single float, from ``Buffer<float4>`` a vector
-of 4 floats, and from ``Buffer<double2>`` a vector of two doubles, etc. The
-operations are then expanded out to match DXIL's format during lowering.
-In order to support ``CheckAccessFullyMapped``, we need these intrinsics to
-return an anonymous struct with element-0 being the contained type, and
-element-1 being the ``i1`` result of a ``CheckAccessFullyMapped`` call. We
-don't have a separate call to ``CheckAccessFullyMapped`` at all, since that's
-the only operation that can possibly be done on this value. In practice this
-may mean we insert a DXIL operation for the check when this was missing in the
-HLSL source, but this actually matches DXC's behaviour in practice.
+*relevant types: Buffers, CBuffers, and Textures*
+All load, sample, and gather operations in DXIL return a `ResRet`_ type, and
+CBuffer loads return a similar `CBufRet`_ type. These types are structs
+containing 4 elements of some basic type, and in the case of `ResRet` a 5th
+element that is used by the `CheckAccessFullyMapped`_ operation. Some of these
+operations, like `RawBufferLoad`_ include a mask and/or alignment that tell us
+some information about how to interpret those four values.
+In the LLVM IR representations of these operations we instead return scalars or
+vectors, but we keep the requirement that we only return up to 4 elements of a
+basic type. This avoids some unnecessary casting and structure manipulation in
+the intermediate format while also keeping lowering to DXIL straightforward.
+LLVM intrinsics that map to operations returning `ResRet` return an anonymous
+struct with element-0 being the scalar or vector type, and element-1 being the
+``i1`` result of a ``CheckAccessFullyMapped`` call. We don't have a separate
+call to ``CheckAccessFullyMapped`` at all, since that's the only operation that
+can possibly be done on this value. In practice this may mean we insert a DXIL
+operation for the check when this was missing in the HLSL source, but this
+actually matches DXC's behaviour in practice.
+For TypedBuffer and Texture, we map directly from the contained type of the
+resource to the return value of the intrinsic. Since these resources are
+constrained to contain only scalars and vectors of up to 4 elements, the
+lowering to DXIL ops is generally straightforward. The one exception we have
+here is that `double` types in the elements are special - these are allowed in
+the LLVM intrinsics, but are lowered to pairs of `i32` followed by
+``MakeDouble`` operations for DXIL.
 .. _ResRet:
 .. _CBufRet:
 .. _CheckAccessFullyMapped:
+.. _RawBufferLoad:
 .. list-table:: ``@llvm.dx.resource.load.typedbuffer``
    :header-rows: 1
@@ -392,6 +396,101 @@ Examples:
            target("dx.TypedBuffer", <2 x double>, 0, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
+For RawBuffer, an HLSL load operation may return an arbitrarily sized result,
+but we still constrain the LLVM intrinsic to return only up to 4 elements of a
+basic type. This means that larger loads are represented as a series of loads,
+which matches DXIL. Unlike in the `RawBufferLoad`_ operation, we do not need
+arguments for the mask/type size and alignment, since we can calculate these
+from the return type of the load during lowering.
+.. _RawBufferLoad:
+.. list-table:: ``@llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer``
+   :header-rows: 1
+   * - Argument
+     -
+     - Type
+     - Description
+   * - Return value
+     -
+     - A structure of a scalar or vector and the check bit
+     - The data loaded from the buffer and the check bit
+   * - ``%buffer``
+     - 0
+     - ``target(dx.RawBuffer, ...)``
+     - The buffer to load from
+   * - ``%index``
+     - 1
+     - ``i32``
+     - Index into the buffer
+   * - ``%offset``
+     - 2
+     - ``i32``
+     - Offset into the structure at the given index
+.. code-block:: llvm
+   ; float
+   %ret = call {float, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_f32_0_0_0t(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", float, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+           i32 %index,
+           i32 0)
+   %ret = call {float, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0t(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+           i32 %byte_offset,
+           i32 0)
+   ; float4
+   %ret = call {<4 x float>, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4f32.tdx.RawBuffer_v4f32_0_0_0t(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", float, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+           i32 %index,
+           i32 0)
+   %ret = call {float, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4f32.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0t(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+           i32 %byte_offset,
+           i32 0)
+   ; struct S0 { float4 f; int4 i; };
+   %ret = call {<4 x float>, i1}
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", {<4 x float>, <4 x i32>}, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+           i32 %index,
+           i32 0)
+   %ret = call {<4 x i32>, i1}
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", {<4 x float>, <4 x i32>}, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+           i32 %index,
+           i32 1)
+   ; struct Q { float4 f; int3 i; }
+   ; struct R { int z; S x; }
+   %ret = call {i32, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.i32(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x i32>}}, 0, 0, 0)
+               %buffer, i32 %index, i32 0)
+   %ret = call {<4 x float>, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.i32(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x i32>}}, 0, 0, 0)
+               %buffer, i32 %index, i32 4)
+   %ret = call {<3 x i32>, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.i32(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x i32>}}, 0, 0, 0)
+               %buffer, i32 %index, i32 20)
+   ; byteaddressbuf.Load<int64_t4>
+   %ret = call {<4 x i64>, i1}
+       @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4i64.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0t(
+           target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+           i32 %byte_offset,
+           i32 0)
 Texture and Typed Buffer Stores
diff --git a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/ 
index dfdfda963b6273..3b1d1a88e01a8b 100644
--- a/llvm/include/llvm/IR/
+++ b/llvm/include/llvm/IR/
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@ def int_dx_resource_load_typedbuffer
 def int_dx_resource_store_typedbuffer
     : DefaultAttrsIntrinsic<[], [llvm_any_ty, llvm_i32_ty, llvm_anyvector_ty],
+def int_dx_resource_load_rawbuffer
+    : DefaultAttrsIntrinsic<[llvm_any_ty, llvm_i1_ty],
+                            [llvm_any_ty, llvm_i32_ty, llvm_i32_ty],
+                            [IntrReadMem]>;
 def int_dx_resource_updatecounter
     : DefaultAttrsIntrinsic<[llvm_i32_ty], [llvm_any_ty, llvm_i8_ty],
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/
index 5d865a3c0bbbb7..62b5b704e99eb2 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/
@@ -42,8 +42,10 @@ def FloatTy : DXILOpParamType;
 def DoubleTy : DXILOpParamType;
 def ResRetHalfTy : DXILOpParamType;
 def ResRetFloatTy : DXILOpParamType;
+def ResRetDoubleTy : DXILOpParamType;
 def ResRetInt16Ty : DXILOpParamType;
 def ResRetInt32Ty : DXILOpParamType;
+def ResRetInt64Ty : DXILOpParamType;
 def HandleTy : DXILOpParamType;
 def ResBindTy : DXILOpParamType;
 def ResPropsTy : DXILOpParamType;
@@ -890,6 +892,23 @@ def SplitDouble :  DXILOp<102, splitDouble> {
   let attributes = [Attributes<DXIL1_0, [ReadNone]>];
+def RawBufferLoad : DXILOp<139, rawBufferLoad> {
+  let Doc = "reads from a raw buffer and structured buffer";
+  // Handle, Coord0, Coord1, Mask, Alignment
+  let arguments = [HandleTy, Int32Ty, Int32Ty, Int8Ty, Int32Ty];
+  let result = OverloadTy;
+  let overloads = [
+    Overloads<DXIL1_2,
+              [ResRetHalfTy, ResRetFloatTy, ResRetInt16Ty, ResRetInt32Ty]>,
+    Overloads<DXIL1_3,
+              [
+                ResRetHalfTy, ResRetFloatTy, ResRetDoubleTy, ResRetInt16Ty,
+                ResRetInt32Ty, ResRetInt64Ty
+              ]>
+  ];
+  let stages = [Stages<DXIL1_2, [all_stages]>];
 def Dot4AddI8Packed : DXILOp<163, dot4AddPacked> {
   let Doc = "signed dot product of 4 x i8 vectors packed into i32, with "
             "accumulate to i32";
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp 
index 5d5bb3eacace25..9f88ccd7a7b7dd 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpBuilder.cpp
@@ -263,10 +263,14 @@ static Type *getTypeFromOpParamType(OpParamType Kind, 
LLVMContext &Ctx,
     return getResRetType(Type::getHalfTy(Ctx));
   case OpParamType::ResRetFloatTy:
     return getResRetType(Type::getFloatTy(Ctx));
+  case OpParamType::ResRetDoubleTy:
+    return getResRetType(Type::getDoubleTy(Ctx));
   case OpParamType::ResRetInt16Ty:
     return getResRetType(Type::getInt16Ty(Ctx));
   case OpParamType::ResRetInt32Ty:
     return getResRetType(Type::getInt32Ty(Ctx));
+  case OpParamType::ResRetInt64Ty:
+    return getResRetType(Type::getInt64Ty(Ctx));
   case OpParamType::HandleTy:
     return getHandleType(Ctx);
   case OpParamType::ResBindTy:
diff --git a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp 
index e0ee4d6d6b1305..f43815bf211664 100644
--- a/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
+++ b/llvm/lib/Target/DirectX/DXILOpLowering.cpp
@@ -542,6 +542,48 @@ class OpLowerer {
+  [[nodiscard]] bool lowerRawBufferLoad(Function &F) {
+    Triple TT(Triple(M.getTargetTriple()));
+    VersionTuple DXILVersion = TT.getDXILVersion();
+    const DataLayout &DL = F.getDataLayout();
+    IRBuilder<> &IRB = OpBuilder.getIRB();
+    Type *Int8Ty = IRB.getInt8Ty();
+    Type *Int32Ty = IRB.getInt32Ty();
+    return replaceFunction(F, [&](CallInst *CI) -> Error {
+      IRB.SetInsertPoint(CI);
+      Type *OldTy = cast<StructType>(CI->getType())->getElementType(0);
+      Type *ScalarTy = OldTy->getScalarType();
+      Type *NewRetTy = OpBuilder.getResRetType(ScalarTy);
+      Value *Handle =
+          createTmpHandleCast(CI->getArgOperand(0), OpBuilder.getHandleType());
+      Value *Index0 = CI->getArgOperand(1);
+      Value *Index1 = CI->getArgOperand(2);
+      uint64_t NumElements =
+          DL.getTypeSizeInBits(OldTy) / DL.getTypeSizeInBits(ScalarTy);
+      Value *Mask = ConstantInt::get(Int8Ty, ~(~0U << NumElements));
+      Value *Align =
+          ConstantInt::get(Int32Ty, DL.getPrefTypeAlign(ScalarTy).value());
+      Expected<CallInst *> OpCall =
+          DXILVersion >= VersionTuple(1, 2)
+              ? OpBuilder.tryCreateOp(OpCode::RawBufferLoad,
+                                      {Handle, Index0, Index1, Mask, Align},
+                                      CI->getName(), NewRetTy)
+              : OpBuilder.tryCreateOp(OpCode::BufferLoad,
+                                      {Handle, Index0, Index1}, CI->getName(),
+                                      NewRetTy);
+      if (Error E = OpCall.takeError())
+        return E;
+      if (Error E = replaceResRetUses(CI, *OpCall, /*HasCheckBit=*/true))
+        return E;
+      return Error::success();
+    });
+  }
   [[nodiscard]] bool lowerUpdateCounter(Function &F) {
     IRBuilder<> &IRB = OpBuilder.getIRB();
     Type *Int32Ty = IRB.getInt32Ty();
@@ -736,6 +778,9 @@ class OpLowerer {
       case Intrinsic::dx_resource_store_typedbuffer:
         HasErrors |= lowerTypedBufferStore(F);
+      case Intrinsic::dx_resource_load_rawbuffer:
+        HasErrors |= lowerRawBufferLoad(F);
+        break;
       case Intrinsic::dx_resource_updatecounter:
         HasErrors |= lowerUpdateCounter(F);
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/BufferLoad-sm61.ll 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..501f15192d272b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/BufferLoad-sm61.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+; RUN: opt -S -dxil-op-lower %s | FileCheck %s
+; Before SM6.2 ByteAddressBuffer and StructuredBuffer lower to bufferLoad.
+target triple = "dxil-pc-shadermodel6.1-compute"
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadf32_struct
+define void @loadf32_struct(i32 %index) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", float, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_f32_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATA:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 @dx.op.bufferLoad.f32(i32 
68, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 0)
+  %load = call {float, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_f32_0_0_0t(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", float, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %index,
+          i32 0)
+  ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadv4f32_byte
+define void @loadv4f32_byte(i32 %offset) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATA:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 @dx.op.bufferLoad.f32(i32 
68, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %offset, i32 0)
+  %load = call {<4 x float>, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0t(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %offset,
+          i32 0)
+  ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadnested
+define void @loadnested(i32 %index) {
+  %buffer = call
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding(i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAI32:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.i32 
@dx.op.bufferLoad.i32(i32 68, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 0)
+  %loadi32 = call {i32, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.i32(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0) 
+      i32 %index, i32 0)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAF32:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 
@dx.op.bufferLoad.f32(i32 68, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 4)
+  %loadf32 = call {<4 x float>, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4f32(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0) 
+      i32 %index, i32 4)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAF16:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f16 
@dx.op.bufferLoad.f16(i32 68, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 20)
+  %loadf16 = call {<3 x half>, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v3f16(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0) 
+      i32 %index, i32 20)
+  ret void
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad-error64.ll 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..b8a6649baf689f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad-error64.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+; We use llc for this test so that we don't abort after the first error.
+; RUN: not llc %s -o /dev/null 2>&1 | FileCheck %s
+target triple = "dxil-pc-shadermodel6.2-compute"
+declare void @v4f64_user(<4 x double>)
+; Can't load 64 bit types directly until SM6.3 (byteaddressbuf.Load<int64_t4>)
+; CHECK: error:
+; CHECK-SAME: in function loadv4f64_byte
+; CHECK-SAME: Cannot create RawBufferLoad operation: Invalid overload type
+define void @loadv4f64_byte(i32 %offset) "hlsl.export" {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  %load = call {<4 x double>, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4i64(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %offset, i32 0)
+  %data = extractvalue {<4 x double>, i1} %load, 0
+  call void @v4f64_user(<4 x double> %data)
+  ret void
diff --git a/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad.ll 
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..586b9c44e95d24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/llvm/test/CodeGen/DirectX/RawBufferLoad.ll
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+; RUN: opt -S -dxil-op-lower %s | FileCheck %s
+target triple = "dxil-pc-shadermodel6.6-compute"
+declare void @f32_user(float)
+declare void @v4f32_user(<4 x float>)
+declare void @i32_user(i32)
+declare void @v4i32_user(<4 x i32>)
+declare void @v3f16_user(<3 x half>)
+declare void @v4f64_user(<4 x double>)
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadf32_struct
+define void @loadf32_struct(i32 %index) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", float, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_f32_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATA:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 0, 
i8 1, i32 4)
+  %load = call {float, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_f32_0_0_0t(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", float, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %index,
+          i32 0)
+  %data = extractvalue {float, i1} %load, 0
+  ; CHECK: [[VAL:%.*]] = extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 0
+  ; CHECK: call void @f32_user(float [[VAL]])
+  call void @f32_user(float %data)
+  ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadf32_byte
+define void @loadf32_byte(i32 %offset) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATA:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %offset, i32 0, 
i8 1, i32 4)
+  %load = call {float, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0t(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %offset,
+          i32 0)
+  %data = extractvalue {float, i1} %load, 0
+  ; CHECK: [[VAL:%.*]] = extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 0
+  ; CHECK: call void @f32_user(float [[VAL]])
+  call void @f32_user(float %data)
+  ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadv4f32_struct
+define void @loadv4f32_struct(i32 %index) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", <4 x float>, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_v4f32_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATA:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 0, 
i8 15, i32 4)
+  %load = call {<4 x float>, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_v4f32_0_0_0t(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", <4 x float>, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %index,
+          i32 0)
+  %data = extractvalue {<4 x float>, i1} %load, 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 1
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 2
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 3
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float> undef
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float>
+  call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float> %data)
+  ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadv4f32_byte
+define void @loadv4f32_byte(i32 %offset) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATA:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %offset, i32 0, 
i8 15, i32 4)
+  %load = call {<4 x float>, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.f32.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0t(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %offset,
+          i32 0)
+  %data = extractvalue {<4 x float>, i1} %load, 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 1
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 2
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATA]], 3
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float> undef
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float>
+  call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float> %data)
+  ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadelements
+define void @loadelements(i32 %index) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", {<4 x float>, <4 x i32>}, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_sl_v4f32v4i32s_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAF32:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 0, 
i8 15, i32 4)
+  %loadf32 = call {<4 x float>, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4f32(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", {<4 x float>, <4 x i32>}, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %index,
+          i32 0)
+  %dataf32 = extractvalue {<4 x float>, i1} %loadf32, 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 1
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 2
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 3
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float> undef
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float>
+  call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float> %dataf32)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAI32:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.i32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.i32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 1, 
i8 15, i32 4)
+  %loadi32 = call {<4 x i32>, i1}
+      @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4i32(
+          target("dx.RawBuffer", {<4 x float>, <4 x i32>}, 0, 0, 0) %buffer,
+          i32 %index,
+          i32 1)
+  %datai32 = extractvalue {<4 x i32>, i1} %loadi32, 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.i32 [[DATAI32]], 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.i32 [[DATAI32]], 1
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.i32 [[DATAI32]], 2
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.i32 [[DATAI32]], 3
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x i32> undef
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x i32>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x i32>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x i32>
+  ; CHECK: call void @v4i32_user(<4 x i32>
+  call void @v4i32_user(<4 x i32> %datai32)
+  ret void
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadnested
+define void @loadnested(i32 %index) {
+  %buffer = call
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding(i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAI32:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.i32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.i32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 0, 
i8 1, i32 4)
+  %loadi32 = call {i32, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.i32(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0) 
+      i32 %index, i32 0)
+  %datai32 = extractvalue {i32, i1} %loadi32, 0
+  ; CHECK: [[VALI32:%.*]] = extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.i32 [[DATAI32]], 0
+  ; CHECK: call void @i32_user(i32 [[VALI32]])
+  call void @i32_user(i32 %datai32)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAF32:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f32 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f32(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 4, 
i8 15, i32 4)
+  %loadf32 = call {<4 x float>, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4f32(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0) 
+      i32 %index, i32 4)
+  %dataf32 = extractvalue {<4 x float>, i1} %loadf32, 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 1
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 2
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f32 [[DATAF32]], 3
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float> undef
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x float>
+  ; CHECK: call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float>
+  call void @v4f32_user(<4 x float> %dataf32)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATAF16:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f16 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f16(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %index, i32 20, 
i8 7, i32 2)
+  %loadf16 = call {<3 x half>, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v3f16(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", {i32, {<4 x float>, <3 x half>}}, 0, 0, 0) 
+      i32 %index, i32 20)
+  %dataf16 = extractvalue {<3 x half>, i1} %loadf16, 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f16 [[DATAF16]], 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f16 [[DATAF16]], 1
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f16 [[DATAF16]], 2
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <3 x half> undef
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <3 x half>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <3 x half>
+  ; CHECK: call void @v3f16_user(<3 x half>
+  call void @v3f16_user(<3 x half> %dataf16)
+  ret void
+; byteaddressbuf.Load<int64_t4>
+; CHECK-LABEL: define void @loadv4f64_byte
+define void @loadv4f64_byte(i32 %offset) {
+  %buffer = call target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0)
+      @llvm.dx.resource.handlefrombinding.tdx.RawBuffer_i8_0_0_0(
+          i32 0, i32 0, i32 1, i32 0, i1 false)
+  ; CHECK: [[DATA:%.*]] = call %dx.types.ResRet.f64 
@dx.op.rawBufferLoad.f64(i32 139, %dx.types.Handle %{{.*}}, i32 %offset, i32 0, 
i8 15, i32 8)
+  %load = call {<4 x double>, i1} @llvm.dx.resource.load.rawbuffer.v4i64(
+      target("dx.RawBuffer", i8, 0, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %offset, i32 0)
+  %data = extractvalue {<4 x double>, i1} %load, 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f64 [[DATA]], 0
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f64 [[DATA]], 1
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f64 [[DATA]], 2
+  ; CHECK: extractvalue %dx.types.ResRet.f64 [[DATA]], 3
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x double> undef
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x double>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x double>
+  ; CHECK: insertelement <4 x double>
+  ; CHECK: call void @v4f64_user(<4 x double>
+  call void @v4f64_user(<4 x double> %data)
+  ret void
diff --git a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp 
index a0c93bed5ad834..7488c8de578851 100644
--- a/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
+++ b/llvm/utils/TableGen/DXILEmitter.cpp
@@ -218,8 +218,10 @@ static StringRef getOverloadKindStr(const Record *R) {
       .Case("Int64Ty", "OverloadKind::I64")
       .Case("ResRetHalfTy", "OverloadKind::HALF")
       .Case("ResRetFloatTy", "OverloadKind::FLOAT")
+      .Case("ResRetDoubleTy", "OverloadKind::DOUBLE")
       .Case("ResRetInt16Ty", "OverloadKind::I16")
-      .Case("ResRetInt32Ty", "OverloadKind::I32");
+      .Case("ResRetInt32Ty", "OverloadKind::I32")
+      .Case("ResRetInt64Ty", "OverloadKind::I64");
 /// Return a string representation of valid overload information denoted

>From 17fc0bf7ad183536fad03c970f6bf28b9fc226c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Justin Bogner <>
Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2024 23:19:38 -0700
Subject: [PATCH 2/2] fixup! [DirectX] Implement the resource.load.rawbuffer

 llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst | 4 ++--
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst 
index bcce1b52d9a485..857d29e48363b0 100644
--- a/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst
+++ b/llvm/docs/DirectX/DXILResources.rst
@@ -318,8 +318,8 @@ Examples:
    %ptr = call ptr 
        target("dx.TypedBuffer", <4 x float>, 0, 0, 0) %buffer, i32 %index)
-16-byte Loads, Samples, and Gathers
+Loads, Samples, and Gathers
 *relevant types: Buffers, CBuffers, and Textures*

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