skatrak wrote:

After the discussion with @TIFitis yesterday, I think the overall approach 
currently proposed makes sense. I would just like to share a few related 
thoughts not for this PR stack, but rather some longer term potential 
improvements that might make sense to do:
- I think the new `omp.declare_mapper_info` operation currently helps not 
having to introduce too many new features at once, and rely on the existing 
infrastructure as much as possible, but I believe eventually this should be 
replaced with an `omp.yield` of the necessary `` operations and 
potentially some changes to the verification and handling of `map` clauses.
- Long-term I was thinking that we may want to represent type-dependent 
handling of `map` clauses in a way more similar to what we do for 
privatization. Initially I was thinking that we could use the 
`omp.declare_mapper` operation for this, but it's true that it's only intended 
to be used for derived types / structures. However, my thinking is that if we 
introduced something like an `` operation holding region(s) that define 
mapping for a given type of variable, we may be able to avoid the need for 
fix-up passes to add new mapped variables for e.g. allocatables or other 
complex types. Ideally, it would be able to integrate with `omp.declare_mapper` 
operations and unify map-related handling so that there's fewer corner cases or 
at least centralize that kind of logic. This is only a high-level idea at this 
point, not something I have actually spent time thinking through in detail, but 
perhaps something worth exploring at some point.
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