@@ -907,28 +908,46 @@ void ClauseProcessor::processMapObjects(
             object.ref(), clauseLocation, asFortran, bounds,
+    mlir::Value baseOp = info.rawInput;
+    if (object.sym()->owner().IsDerivedType()) {
+      omp::ObjectList objectList = gatherObjects(object, semaCtx);
+      assert(!objectList.empty() &&
+             "could not find parent objects of derived type member");
+      parentObj = objectList[0];
agozillon wrote:

Well, consider the symbol: "parent%child%member", we pass the whole symbol, and 
start from the RHS and peel back the symbol layers until we get to the end, 
"parent" in this case, we then reverse the list, so "parent" is the first 
member and it goes from LHS to RHS rather than RHS to LHS! Mainly mentioning to 
help explain a bit, more than happy to add a comment for it though :-)

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