> On Aug 5, 2019, at 9:20 AM, Christian Biesinger <cbiesin...@google.com> wrote:
> OK thanks! (If I try to get, for example, the local variables while
> the process is running, will that fail or "succeed" in a weird way?)

You will get an empty list. But if you get the list of variables on thread 1, 
then thread 2 continues, and back on thread 1 you ask each value in the 
lldb::SBValueList for their values, you will get fail values or no values when 
you ask. Mainly common sense kind of stuff, but just something to be aware of.
> Christian
> On Mon, Aug 5, 2019 at 11:15 AM Greg Clayton <clayb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The API is thread safe, but you can run into interesting issues if you don't 
>> thread things right. You don't want one thread stepping and another thread 
>> resuming. It will work, but you probably will have a tough time figuring out 
>> why certain functions return certain values. Also, you don't want one thread 
>> resuming a process while another things the process is stopped and tries to 
>> get and display local variables.
>> So yes the API is thread safe, but be careful with how you use things.
>> Greg
>>> On Aug 5, 2019, at 8:59 AM, Christian Biesinger via lldb-dev 
>>> <lldb-dev@lists.llvm.org> wrote:
>>> Hi there!
>>> I was wondering what the threading model is for the Python API (when
>>> running inside of LLDB, in implementing a command)?
>>> For example: If I create a Python thread in my command, how do I
>>> access the LLDB API? Is there an equivalent of gdb's post_event
>>> function to run it on the main thread? Or is the API threadsafe?
>>> I tried to look for documentation on this but was unsuccessful.
>>> Thanks!
>>> Christian
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